Operators and Expressions in JavaScript

Welcome to Bharatam Gyanam, your go-to resource for in-depth programming knowledge. In this post, we'll focus on Operators and Expressions in JavaScript—key concepts that form the backbone of the language. From performing mathematical operations to logical decision-making, operators and expressions allow JavaScript developers to build powerful and efficient applications.

In this guide, we will discuss:

1. What are Operators and Expressions?
2. Different Types of Operators in JavaScript
3. Examples of Each Operator Category
4. Operator Precedence and Associativity
5. Practical Applications and Advanced Examples

What are Operators and Expressions?

An operator is a symbol that tells the compiler to perform a specific operation on one or more operands.

An operand is a variable or value that operators act upon. When combined, operators and operands form an expression, which results in a value.


let result = 10 + 5; // + is the operator, 10 and 5 are operands, and the result is 15.

Operators and expressions are essential because they allow JavaScript to compute, compare, and manipulate data to produce meaningful results.

Different Types of Operators in JavaScript

Let’s break down the various types of operators in JavaScript with detailed explanations and examples for each.

A. Arithmetic Operators

These operators are used to perform mathematical calculations on numerical values.

+Addition5 + 3 // 8
-Subtraction5 - 3 // 2
*Multiplication5 * 3 // 15
/Division5 / 3 // 1.6667
%Modulus (Remainder)5 % 3 // 2
++Increment (adds 1)x++ (if x=5, x becomes 6)
--Decrement (subtracts 1)x-- (if x=5, x becomes 4)

Theoretical Explanation:

1. Addition (+) adds two numbers or concatenates strings.
2. Subtraction (-), Multiplication (*), and Division (/) are straightforward mathematical operations.
3. Modulus (%) gives the remainder after division.
4. Increment (++) and Decrement (--) are unary operators that increase or decrease a value by 1.


let a = 10;

let b = 3;

let sum = a + b; // Output: 13

let difference = a - b; // Output: 7

let product = a * b; // Output: 30

let quotient = a / b; // Output: 3.33

let remainder = a % b; // Output: 1

// Using increment and decrement

a++; // a becomes 11

b--; // b becomes 2

Arithmetic Operators JS

B. Assignment Operators

Assignment operators assign values to variables. These operators are essential for storing data and updating values during execution.

=Simple assignmentx = 5
=+=Add and assignx += 5 // x = x + 5
-=Subtract and assignx -= 5 // x = x - 5
*=Multiply and assignx *= 5 // x = x * 5
/=Divide and assignx /= 5 // x = x / 5
%=Modulus and assignx %= 5 // x = x % 5

Theoretical Explanation: 

Assignment operators help reduce redundancy in code by combining operations and assignments in one step. For example, x += 5 is shorthand for x = x + 5.


let x = 10;

x += 5; // Equivalent to x = x + 5; Now x is 15

x -= 3; // Equivalent to x = x - 3; Now x is 12

x *= 2; // Equivalent to x = x * 2; Now x is 24

x /= 4; // Equivalent to x = x / 4; Now x is 6

Assignment Operators

C. Comparison Operators

Comparison operators are used to compare two values and return true or false depending on the condition.

==Equal to5 == '5' // true
===Strict equal (value & type)5 === '5' // false
!=Not equal to5 != '6' // true
!==Strict not equal5 !== '5' // true
>Greater than5 > 3 // true
<Less than5 < 3 // false
>=Greater than or equal to5 >= 5 // true
<=Less than or equal to5 <= 3 // false

Theoretical Explanation:

1. == compares values but does not consider type, while === compares both value and type.
2. != and !== work similarly but check for inequality.


let x = 5;

let y = '5';

console.log(x == y); // true (values are equal)

console.log(x === y); // false (value is equal but type is different)

console.log(x != 3); // true (5 is not equal to 3)

console.log(x !== '5'); // true (value matches, but types don't)

Comparison Operators

D. Logical Operators

Logical operators allow the combination of multiple expressions and return true or false based on logical conditions.

&&Logical AND (both true)true && false // false
!Logical NOT (negation)!true // false

Theoretical Explanation:

1. && (AND) returns true if both operands are true.
2. || (OR) returns true if at least one operand is true.
3. ! (NOT) inverts the truth value of an expression.


let isLoggedIn = true;

let isAdmin = false;

console.log(isLoggedIn && isAdmin); // false (both must be true)

console.log(isLoggedIn || isAdmin); // true (one is true)

console.log(!isAdmin); // true (negation of false)

Logical Operators

E. Bitwise Operators

Bitwise operators operate on the binary representation of values.

&Bitwise AND5 & 1 // 1
``Bitwise OR
^Bitwise XOR5 ^ 1 // 4
~Bitwise NOT~5 // -6
<<Left shift5 << 1 // 10
>>Right shift5 >> 1 // 2

Theoretical Explanation:

Bitwise operators work on binary numbers directly, performing AND, OR, XOR, NOT, or shifting bits left or right.


let a = 5;    // Binary: 0101

let b = 1;    // Binary: 0001

console.log(a & b);  // Output: 1 (AND operation on bits)

console.log(a | b);  // Output: 5 (OR operation on bits)

console.log(a ^ b);  // Output: 4 (XOR operation on bits)

Bitwise Operators

F. Ternary Operator

The ternary operator is a shorthand for if-else statements. It evaluates a condition and returns one of two values based on whether the condition is true or false.


condition ? expressionIfTrue : expressionIfFalse;

Theoretical Explanation:The ternary operator is a concise way to perform conditional checks.


let age = 18;

let canVote = (age >= 18) ? "Yes" : "No";

console.log(canVote); // Output: Yes

Ternary Operator

Operator Precedence and Associativity

JavaScript evaluates expressions based on precedence (order of evaluation) and associativity (direction of evaluation).

1. Precedence: Operators with higher precedence are evaluated first.

2. Associativity: When operators have the same precedence, associativity determines whether they are evaluated left-to-right or right-to-left.


let result = 10 + 2 * 3; // Multiplication is done first, then addition, result is 16.
let result2 = (10 + 2) * 3; // Parentheses force addition first, then multiplication, result is 36.

Operator Precedence and Associativity

Practical Applications and Advanced Examples

Using Multiple Operators in Complex Expressions

You can use multiple operators in a single expression to evaluate more complex logic:

let a = 10, b = 20, c = 30;
let result = (a + b) > c && b < c;
console.log(result); // Output: true

(because (10+20) > 30 is false, but b < c is true)

Combining Assignment and Arithmetic Operators in Loops

let total = 0;
for (let i = 1; i <= 5; i++) {
total += i; // Adds numbers from 1 to 5
console.log(total); // Output: 15

Practical Applications and Advanced Examples


Operators and expressions are integral to JavaScript and enable developers to build sophisticated logic. With an understanding of these operators, you can manage data, control program flow, and perform efficient calculations.

At Bharatam Gyanam, we are committed to enhancing your knowledge of programming. Stay tuned for more insights and tutorials to elevate your coding skills!

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